1. General Information

Departmant of Public Finance has given education since 1994. In undergraduate programme of public finance aim that expert in public finance which have sufficient knowledge on related fields of theoretical and applied of public finance.

Departmant of public finance has an important advantage in the way of find employment in comparison with the other departments Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. Because as well as public finace, business administration, statistics, mathematics, econometrics, finance, law, sociology lessons are given to undergraduate students. Department of public finance provide various social and culturel facilities to their students.

Public Finance Department has four sub fields; Public Finance Theory, Budgeting and Fiscal Planning, Fiscal Policy and Fiscal Laws.

2. Qualification

Public Finance, Bachelor's Degree.

3. Level of Qualification


4. Admission and Enrollment Terms

General admission requirements for Turkish and Foreign students are being applied to start this programme.

5. Recognition of Former Education

Recognition of prior formal learning in the Turkish higher education institutions vertical, horizontal and transitions within the university is determined by the Board of Higher Education is made under “SWITCHING BETWEEN SHORT AND UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS OF HIGHER EDUCATİON INSTITUTIONS, DOUBLE MAJOR, MINOR AND CREDIT TRANSFER BETWEEN CORPORATE ACTION ON BASIS OF REGULATION”.

6. Competency Requirements and Terms

A student is required to successfully complete the designated program of courses meet a minimum of 240 ECTS credit requirement and have a minimum GPA of 2.00/4.00 and no FF, DZ or YZ grades.

7. Objectives of the Program

In undergraduate programme of public finance aim that expert in public finance which have sufficient knowledge on related fields of theoretical and applied of public finance and the other aim that train students as professionals to be employed as middle or top managers by private or public sectors including the central government, local administrations and state-owned enterprises.

Departmant of public finance has an important advantage in the way of find employment in comparison with the other departments Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. Because as well as public finace, business administration, statistics, mathematics, econometrics, finance, law, sociology lessons are given to undergraduate students.

Department of public finance provide various social and culturel facilities to their students.

8. Program Competencies (Learning Outcomes)

1) To understand the basic conceptual information about the fiscal and economic issues, to have the ability to make critical analysis and comment.

2) To have information about economic aspects of public sector, public financial management, controlling, operation and theoretical foundations of the public budget within the framework of current developments and the fiscal theory.

3) To have information about the process of taxation, understand the functioning of tax systems in practice, be able to interpreting these issues and to follow the developments regarding taxation.

4) Considering the role of the public sector in the era of globalization, to be able to develop  policies in the face of opportunities and threats which arise in the international financial conjuncture. 

5) Be able to comprehend cause-effect relationship between the economic and fiscal issues by using empirical methods, and to comprehend, analyze and develop policy recommendations. 

6) Be able to decide by himself/herself to which fiscal  instruments should be used on the potential problems of economic life,

7) Be able to transfer verbally and in written his/her knowledge about financial, economic and social issues in the light of the ethical values.

8) Be able to follow the change and innovation to increase his/her own human capital without ignoring the cultural, social and ethical values.

9) Be able to develop scientific projects through collecting data and information related to the working individually or in a team

10) Be a model for society with his/her knowledge, skills and behaviors which are acquired in accordance with the requirements of social life

11) Owing to acquired knowledge on the field, students will be able to be employed in employment areas such as  management, audit, accounting, financing ect. both in public sector and private sector.

9. Employment Opportunities For Graduates

Graduates can be employed in public sectors, private sectors, research centers, associations, foundations. In public services they can work as Financial Inspector, account expert, controller, expertise in Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade and Treasure, inspector in public and private banking; and In private sector as Independent accountant and financial consultant.

10. Further Study

Graduates may apply to master's or doctorate programmes providing that have sufficient ALES and YDS score.

11. Testing, Measuring and Evaluation

Assessing and grading procedures for each course is defined in "Course Information Form" in detail.

12. Graduation Requirements

Graduation requirements "Qualification Requirements and Regulations" as described in the section.

13. The Manner of Study (Full-Time, e-learning)
